Curriculum Vitae
Full Name | Marlon Dantas Braga |
Date of Birth | 28th September 1991 |
Languages | English, Portuguese |
DDD | |
TDD | |
BDD | |
Clean Code | |
Agile | |
Design Patterns | |
Microsservices | |
Refatoração | |
CI/CD | |
Git | |





SQL Server






Vue JS


Master in Information Technology - Software Engineer
May/2021 - Apr/2023 Infnet Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Topics
- .NET Technology
- Web Systems with ASP .NET
- Persistence and MVC
- Cloud Services
- Applied Software Engineering
- Software Modeling
- Agile Software Development Processes
- Continuous Integration and DevOps
- Topics
MBA - Project management
Apr/2020 - Jan/2021 Infnet Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Process management with PMI, agile methodologies and CBOK
Bachelor in Computer Science
Jan/2011 - Jan/2016 State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Volunteer as developer of the Teacher Evaluation system at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics. Student Representative of the Departmental Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics. Student Representative of the Board of the Department of Informatics and Computer Science.
System Analyst
Jan/2023 - now Turim MFO - Technologies
C# .NET 7+ .NET Framework Entity Core SQL Server Azure Docker RabbitMQ GitHub Actions Git - Skills
Agile SOLID Clean Code Design Patterns TDD Microsservices Refactoring CI/CD
- Technologies
Software Engineer
Jun/2022 - Nov/2022 · 6 months XP Inc. - Development, improvement and maintenance of facial and fingerprint biometry systems. Products responsible for fraud prevention in a critical and auditable business segment. Autonomous performance in the creation of functionalities from the technical conception to the authentication and integrations in multiple microservices.
- Main activities
- Programming in latest technologies (C# 11, .NET 6)
- Coding using the best market practices (Clean Code, SOLID, Design Patterns, Refactoring, DDD, TDD)
- Development and maintenance of services integrated by messaging and APIs (Apache Kafka, REST)
- Database operations (SQL Server)
- Software quality assurance through automated testing, resiliency and defined architecture. (Automated Unit Testing, Integration, Mutation, End-to-End)
- Monitoring and creation of monitoring and APM indicators in order to guarantee the health of the software (Datadog, Kibana, Grafana)
- Application of operations governance processes and NOC (Change Management, Deploy Alignment)
- Configurations in Cloud services (APIM, Azure App Configuration)
- Leveraging DevOps tools (Docker, Kubernetes, Azure Pipelines, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery)
- Technical documentation (C4 Model, technical tutorials)
- Guidance of people with lower technical level (Code review, pair programming, technical leveling)
- Guardian of Agility (Scrum)
- Technologies
C# .NET 6+ .NET Framework SQL Server Azure Kibana Docker Kubernetes Kafka Datadog Git - Skills
Agile DDD SOLID Clean Code Design Patterns TDD BDD Microsservices Refactoring CI/CD
Software Engineer
Jun/2021 - May/2022 · 1 year Wevo, a JitterBit Company - Development and maintenance of iPaaS, Wevo's main product, responsible for integrating cloud systems and a microservices architecture; with high-availability and scalability operation (24x7) and containerized applications (Docker and Kubernetes).
- Main activities
- Direct development of integration connectors (.NET Framework, .NET Core, JavaScript)
- Code-review (Clean Code)
- Code refactoring (Design Patterns)
- Acting in making definition decisions and creating code standards
- Automated tests (Unit Test, Component Test)
- API manipulation (REST)
- Maintenance of integrated messaging services (RabbitMQ)
- Database operations (MongoDB, Elastic Search)
- Workflow guided by the Agile Methodology (Scrum and XP Concepts) with Continuous Integration (Git); Focused on backend development, using the main development standards in the C# language, applying the standards DDD, TDD, SOLID, OOP, DI.
- Technologies
C# .NET 5+ .NET Framework JavaScript MongoDB Elasticsearch Kibana Docker Kubernetes RabbitMQ Git - Skills
Agile DDD SOLID Clean Code Design Patterns TDD Microsservices Refactoring CI/CD
Systems Analyst
Oct/2020 - Jun/2021 · 9 months Fadami - Highway Specialist Software Factory - Full-Stack development of web systems, Database operations; Code refactoring; Software design definitions; Standardization and structuring of repository; Use and control of the approval environment.
- Technologies
C# .NET Framework SQL Server JavaScript VueJS CSS 3 HTML 5 Git
Software developer, Funder
Sep/2015 - Nov/2018 · 3 years OverReal - Management of teams of programmers and designers; Requirements gathering; Project budget; Development of Interactive Systems, Immersive Simulators in Virtual and Augmented Reality aimed at advertising and education. Projects carried out in the Unity engine and C# language
- Technologies
C# Unity Git - Skills
Development assistant (temporary)
Jul/2016 - Nov/2016 · 5 months YDreams Global - Development of Interactive Systems and Virtual Reality applications for advertising purposes. Projects made with Gear VR, Kinect, Unity and C#
- Technologies
C# Unity Git
Programmer (intern)
Jun/2014 - Jun/2015 · 1 year Sistema FIRJAN - Development of immersive industrial simulators and digital games. CAVE projects for safety training of professionals on oil platforms. Among the technologies used are Middle VR, Unity and C#
- Technologies
C# .NET Framework Unity - Skills
Open Source Project